The E7 Chord: How To Build and Play E Dominant Seven Chord (2024)

he E7 chord is an altered version of the E Major Chord. It has the same notes as the E major chord with one additional note.

With the addition of this note, it creates a chord that has a lot of unique sounds and voicings. With the structure of this chord being the same as the original E major chord, it makes playing and building this chord quite simple.

There are multiple fingerings and inversions for this chord making it a little more difficult to play then a major chord. Once you learn the formula and fingering for it you won’t have any trouble.

What is an E7 Chord?

E7 is made up of four notes. Three of the notes are from the E Major Chord. E major consists of the first, third, and fifth notes in the major scale.

These notes areE, G#, and B

Check out my lessons onMajor Chordsto for easy instructions on how to build major chords.

There is one additional note that is to be added to make the E7. This is what is known as the Dominant Seventh.

This chord is made by playing an major E chord, and adding the dominant 7 note to either the top of the chord or the bottom.

How to Make an E Dominant Seven Chord

Seventh chords can be a little confusing because there are two types of seventh chords. TheMajor Seventhand theDominant Seventh.

An E Major Seventh would be written asEM7,while the Dominant Seven would be written asE7.

The difference between these two chords is whether or not the seventh note is altered or left alone.

In the EM7 chord, you play the E major chord, plus the seventh note in the scale. This would give you the notesE, G#, B, and D#.The D# has not been altered at all when making this chord.

The E7 Chord: How To Build and Play E Dominant Seven Chord (1)

In an E7 chord you have to alter the seventh note in the scale. Instead of using the D# that is in the E major scale, you have to use what is called the dominant seventh, or minor major seventh.

This means that you find the seventh note in the scale, which in this case would be D#, and make it a minor.

Making a note minor, means to move it onehalf-stepto the left.

Instead of using the D#, you must move it one note to the left, which would be a D natural. So the notes in an E7 chord areE, G#, B, and D.

Take a look at the image to see how the Dominant Seventh is derived.

The E7 Chord: How To Build and Play E Dominant Seven Chord (2)

Quick Tip!
To make an E7 chord, make an E Major chord. Then add a flat 7!


The formula for this chord is similar to a major chord. We use the same notes as we would for a major chord just add the dominant seventh.

The formula would look like this:I – III – V – bVII

Fingering and inversions

Since there are four notes in the E7 chord, there are four possibleinversions.Each inversion has its own uniquefingering.This helps make playing the chord easier, and allows easy access to other notes while playing the chord.

The E7 Chord: How To Build and Play E Dominant Seven Chord (3)

Take a look at the image to see the fingering for each of the four inversions.

Root Position

The root position is made up of the first, second, third, and fifth fingers. This is the most common of the four inversions. Play the E with the first finger, G# with the second finger, B with the third finger, and D with the fifth finger.

First Inversion

To play the first inversion, take the E from the bottom of the chord, and move it to the top of the chord. Start with the first finger on G#, second on B, fourth on D, and fifth on E.Second Inversion

The second inversion starts on a B. Use the first finger on B, second finger on D, third finger on E, and fifth finger on G#.Third Inversion

The last, and final inversion, starts on D with the first finger. Play an E with the second finger, G# with the fourth finger, and B with the fifth finger.

If you haven’t already noticed, these inversion are built by taking the lowest note in the previous chord and moving to the top of the chord. Check out this page for more info onpiano chord inversions.Sheet Music

Here is a chart showing the four inversions of the E7 chord on sheet music. If you look at each inversion, you will see that there is one sharp in the E Dominant 7 chord.

There are four notes in each of the four inversions with a G sharp in each of them.

The E7 Chord: How To Build and Play E Dominant Seven Chord (4)

Study this chart and memorize the inversions of the E7 chord so you can easily pick it out in a piece of sheet music.

The E7 chord, also known as the E Dominant chord is an easy and very common chord used in today’s contemporary music. Remember the notesE, G#, B, and Dto make this chord.

It’s also important to remember the formula ofI – III – V- bVII.This formula can help you find a Dominant Seventh chord on the spot.

Need more help learning chords? Learn almost every chord you’ll ever need with ourPiano Chord Encyclopedia.

The E7 Chord: How To Build and Play E Dominant Seven Chord (5)

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The E7 Chord: How To Build and Play E Dominant Seven Chord (2024)


What is the dominant 7th chord of E7? ›

An E7 adds one note to the original triad; it's comprised of E, G#, B, and D. The D is the key note here. That is the “7” of the E7. Because it's only one whole step away from the root note (E), it creates a tension that begs to be resolved.

How to build dominant 7th chord? ›

What Notes Make Up a Dominant 7th Chord. Dominant 7th chords are made up of four notes: the first, third and fifth notes of a given scale - plus a flattened 7th note from that scale. A flat 7th is a half-step down from what would be a full seventh note.

What is a dominant 7th in key of E? ›

The E dominant seventh chord is a 4-note chord consisting of the notes E, G#, B and D. You can see these notes highlighted in the interactive piano chart below. The chord itself is often abbreviated as E7.

What is the E flat 7 dominant chord? ›

The E♭ dominant 7th chord has the notes E G B D. The 3 inversions to the E♭ dominant 7th chord are G B D E, B D E G and D E G B. The intervals of the E♭7 chord are the root (E) , major third (G) , perfect fifth (B) and minor seventh (D) .

How to identify dominant 7th chords? ›

A dominant seventh chord consists of the dominant triad (fifth note of the scale is the root of the dominant chord) and an added note a minor seventh above the root. For example, the dominant seventh chord in C major (or minor) is G-B-D-F.

What chords are in the E7 scale? ›

E7 Chord (E Dominant 7th Chord) on Piano & Guitar

The E dominant 7th chord has the notes E G B D. The 3 inversions to the E dominant 7th chord are G B D E, B D E G and D E G B. The intervals of the E7 chord are the root (E) , major third (G) , perfect fifth (B) and minor seventh (D) .

What chord resolves E7? ›

For instance, in the key of A, the chord E7 (V) will resolve back home to A (I) by way of the major third of the E7 chord resolving upward by one-half step to the tonic of the A chord, and the minor seventh resolving down a half step to the major third of the A chord.

When to play dominant 7 chords? ›

27.5 When to Use Seventh Chords

In your harmonizations of melodies, it is best to use seventh chords to add tension as you approach tonic function. Therefore, sevenths are added most frequently to chords of dominant function ( V and vii ) and chords of pre–dominant function ( ii and, to a lesser extent, IV ).

Why is a dominant seventh chord so powerful? ›

This dominant seventh chord is useful to composers because it contains both a major triad and the interval of a tritone. The major triad confers a very "strong" sound. The tritone is created by the co-occurrence of the third degree and seventh degree (e.g., in the G7 chord, the interval between B and F is a tritone).

What is the 7 chord rule? ›

Music Theory for the 21st-Century Classroom

A seventh chord adds to a triad another note a third higher than the fifth. Chords, being built in thirds, have members that are odd numbers—third, fifth, seventh, and we will eventually discuss extensions of the ninth, eleventh, and thirteenth.

What is the E7 chord? ›

Understanding the E7 Chord

In the case of E7, these notes are E (the root), G# (the major third), B (the perfect fifth), and D (the minor seventh). When these notes blend, they produce the chord's distinct sound --- a mix of stability from the root and a tinge of tension from the minor seventh.

What is the E major 7th chord? ›

The E Major 7th chord, abbreviated as Emaj7 or EM7, has the notes E, G♯, B and D♯. The 3 inversions to the E Major 7th chord are G♯ B D♯ E, B D♯ E G♯ and D♯ E G♯ B. The intervals of the E Major chord are the root (E) , major third (G♯) and perfect fifth (B).

Is dominant 7th the same as major 7th? ›

Dominant 7 chords are very similar to major 7 chords and only differ by one note. To turn a major 7 chord into a dominant 7 chord, you just need to lower the added note by a half step. So you'll have a root, 3rd, 5th, and a flat 7.

Is C7 the same as C dominant 7? ›

The C7 - or C dominant seventh chord -- has a quavery brightness to its tone. It can create a hesitant, tentative mood in a song, or can play with other chords in a song's structure to produce a hopeful note (or string of notes blended together).

What is the F7 dominant seventh chord? ›

The intervals of the F7 chord are the root (F) , major third (A) , perfect fifth (C) and minor seventh (E) . Note that dominant 7th chords can also be referred to as major minor seventh chords, because they consist of a major chord with an added minor 7th interval on top.

What is the dominant 7th power chord? ›

A dominant seventh chord is made by taking a major chord and adding a lowered 7th scale degree to it. You don't need to focus on exactly what that means right away. It's more important to just understand why we use these chords and get the basics of the chord shapes down first.

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