Studio Notarile Papi Roma | Studio Notarile Papi Notai a Roma (2024)

Foreword The following policy is a description of the processing carried out by the Data Controller of personal data provided by the data subject on the website.

Processing purposes For all website users, personal data may be used to:

  • allow browsing of the public web pages on our website;
  • check the proper functioning of the website;


Cookies definition Cookies consist of text strings that are sent by the website to the IT device to make the browsing experience more efficient.

Types of cookies
Technical cookies will be downloaded when browsing the website. These include:

authentication cookies, activated only in response to specific actions carried out by users that constitute a request for services

third parties cookies, functional to:


Google reCAPTCHA (Google Inc.)

Google reCAPTCHA is an antispam provided by Google Inc. This type of service analyzes the traffic of this Application, potentially containing Personal Data of Users, in order to filter it from traffic, messages and content recognized as SPAM.

Personal data collected: Cookies and Usage data as specified in the privacy policy of the service.

Norme sulla privacy – Privacy e termini – Google


This type of services allowes to view contents hosted on external platforms directly from the pages of this Application and to interact with them.

If this type of service is installed, it is possible that it will collect traffic data relating to the pages in which it is installed even if Users do not use it.

Widget Google Maps
(Google Inc.)

Google Maps is a web service that provides detailed information about geographical regions and sites managed by Google Inc. It allows to integrate these contents within the pages of the Application.

Personal data collected: Cookies and Usage data as specified in the privacy policy of the service.

Norme sulla privacy – Privacy e termini – Google

Google Fonts (Google Inc.)

Google Fonts is a web font service managed by Google Inc. that allows to integrate these contents within the pages of the Application.

Personal data collected: Cookies and Usage data as specified in the privacy policy of the service.


Elementor (Elementor)

Our website made by Wordpress uses this cookie. The cookie allows the website owner to improve or change website content in real time.

Personal data collected: Cookies and Usage data as specified in the privacy policy of the service.


The payment data, managed in encrypted format and according to the security requirements, do not pass through Zucchetti Software Giuridico’s servers, but are acquired directly by the payment service provider who will act as an independent data controller.

For more information, please refer to the pages of payment service providers:

Axerve Ecommerce Solutions::


Cookies deactivation
Users have the possibility to disable cookies at any time through their browser settings.

Cookies stored on the hard disk of your device can be deleted and you can also disable cookies by following the instructions provided by the main browsers, at the following links:

Microsoft Edge,del%20sito%2C%20quindi%20Cancella%20ora.

Legal basis for processing - This website processes data based on consent. By using or consulting this website, the data subject implicitly consents to the possibility of storing only those cookies that are strictly necessary ("technical cookies") for the functioning of this website.

Personal data collected and mandatory or optional nature of data provision and consequences of any refusal - Such as all websites, this website also uses log files to retain the information collected during visits by users in an automated mode. The following types of information may be collected:

  • internet protocol (IP) address;
  • type of browser and parameters of the device used to connect to the website;
  • name of the Internet service provider (ISP);
  • date and time of the visit;
  • the web page from which the visitor arrives (referral) and exits to.

The above information is processed automatically and collected in order to check the proper functioning of the website, as well as for statistical or security reasons.

For security reasons (anti-spam filters, firewall, virus detection), the data recorded automatically may also include such personal data as the IP address, which may be used in compliance with the relevant current legislation to block attempts to damage the website or other users or, in any case, to block other detrimental activities or crimes. Such data is never used to identify or profile the user, but solely to protect the website and its users.

As a consequence of normal use, the IT systems and software procedures dedicated to the functioning of this website acquire certain personal data whose transmission is inherent to the use of Internet communications protocols. This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used to link to the website, the addresses of the resources requested in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numeric code indicating the status of the reply given by the server (success, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and IT environment of the user.

Finally, by accessing the site, anonymous data will be recorded in order to understand the user experience.

Retention period of your data The personal data collected during the browsing session will be retained for the time needed to carry out the specified activities and for no more than 24 months.

Processing methods - Pursuant to and for the effects of Arts. 12 et seq of the GDPR, the personal data that the data subjects provide to us will be recorded, processed and retained in the Companies’ hard-copy and electronic files, with the use of adequate technical and organizational measures in order to protect such data. The processing of data subjects’ personal data may consist in any operation or set of operations described in art. 4, para. 1, point 2 GDPR.

Communication and dissemination - The personal data of the data subjects, provided through registration, may be communicated (meaning the giving of knowledge to one or more specific subjects) by the Data controller to third parties in order to implement all the necessary legal and/or contractual obligations. In particular, the personal data of the data subjects may be communicated to public authorities or offices or control authorities in order to fulfil legal and/or contractual obligations.

The personal data of the data subjects may be communicated in the following terms:

  • to parties able to access the data pursuant to laws, regulations or EU legislation, within the limits envisaged in such provisions;
  • to parties that need to access your data for related purposes to the relationship that exists between you and us, within the limits strictly necessary to carry out the ancillary tasks .

Rights of the data subject - Pursuant to Articles 15 et seq of the GDPR, the data subjects may exercise the following rights:

  1. access: to obtain confirmation of whether or not the personal data of the data subjects are processed and the right to access them; requests that are manifestly unfounded, excessive or repetitive cannot be answered;
  2. rectification: to correct/obtain the correction of personal data if incorrect or not updated and to complete data if incomplete;
  3. erasure/to be forgotten: in some cases, to obtain the erasure of the personal data provided; this is not an absolute right, as the Data controller may have legitimate interest or legal reasons to store them;
  4. limitation: the data will be stored, but cannot be processed further, in the cases foreseen by the regulation;
  5. portability: to move, copy or transfer data from the Data controller’s databases to third parties. This applies only to data provided by the data subjects for the performance of a contract or for which express consent has been given and the processing is carried out by automated mode;
  6. objection to direct marketing;
  7. withdraw of the consent at any time if processing is based on consent.

Pursuant to Art. 2-undicies of Legislative Decree 196/2003, the exercise of data subjects rights may be delayed, restricted or excluded, following justification provided without delay, unless this might compromise the purpose of the restriction, for as long as and to the extent that this constitutes a necessary and proportionate measure, taking into account the fundamental rights and legitimate interests of the data subject, in order to safeguard the interests referred to in paragraph 1, letters a) (protected interests with regard to money laundering), e) (for the conduct of defensive investigations or the exercise of a right in court) and f) (for the confidentiality of the identity of the employee who reports offenses he becomes aware of on his duties). In such cases, data subjects’ rights may also be exercised through the Personal Data Protection Authority in the manner referred to in Article 160 of said Decree. In such case, the Personal Data Protection Authority will inform the data subject that it has carried out all the necessary checks or that it has carried out a review, as well as of the data subject right to take legal action.

To exercise such rights, the data subject may contact the Data Controller.

The Company will respond within 30 days of receiving the data subject formal request.

If the abovementioned rights concerning data subject personal data are infringed, the latest may complain to the competent authority.

Contacts details of the Data Controller The Data Controller is Notaio Vincenzo Papi, with its registered office in Roma Via Francesco Cancellieri n. 2; tel. 06681902 fax 0668806906; email pec

Data Protection Officer - Data Protection Officer has not been designated because the conditions of the art. 37 Regulation (EU) 2016/679 are not satisfied.

Studio Notarile Papi Roma | Studio Notarile Papi Notai a Roma (2024)


Quanto costa un notaio a Roma? ›

Tariffe notarili
Da € 0 a € 10.000€ 1.000,00
Da € 10.001 a € 25.000€ 1.200,00
Da € 25.001 a € 50.000€ 1.400,00
Da € 50.001 a € 250.000€ 1.700,00€ 381,00
4 more rows

Dove si può fare un atto notarile? ›

Generalmente, che si tratti di compravendita, testamento, donazione ecc., il rogito si svolge nell'ufficio del Notaio, e devono essere presenti tutti i soggetti interessati all'atto.

Cosa si fa in uno studio notarile? ›

Di cosa si occupa uno studio notarile

Il compito principale di un notaio è quello di redigere, verificare e ricevere gli atti notarili in diversi ambiti: Diritto di successione: si occupa di eredità, testamenti e ultime volontà Diritto di famiglia e unioni civili. Campo immobiliare: per gestire compravendite di ...

Quanto guadagna uno studio notarile? ›

Quanto guadagna un Notaio in Italia? Lo stipendio medio per notaio in Italia è € 77 000 all'anno o € 39.49 all'ora. Le posizioni “entry level” percepiscono uno stipendio di € 48 750 all'anno, mentre i lavoratori con più esperienza guadagnano fino a € 165 500 all'anno.

Quanto costa una consulenza da un notaio? ›

La consulenza finalizzata alla stipula dell'atto è gratuita; normalmente negli studi Notarili non si pagano neanche altri tipi di consulenze purché non comportino costi. 4) Posso avere un preventivo dell'atto che devo fare? Il Cliente ha diritto a un preventivo gratuito, anche in forma scritta.

Quanto costa l'atto di un notaio? ›

La parcella di un notaio oscilla a grandi linee tra i 1.500 e i 2.000 euro, a cui va aggiunta l'IVA al 22%. L'onorario varia anche a seconda della zona e del prezzo dell'immobile.

Che documenti servono per fare un atto notarile? ›

documenti d'identità, validi alla data del rogito, e codici fiscali, insieme al certificato di residenza se l'indirizzo indicato sul documento è diverso da quello attuale; documentazione che prova lo stato civile ed eventuale regime patrimoniale adottato; copia del permesso di soggiorno per i cittadini extra UE.

Quanto costa una copia conforme di un atto notarile? ›

n. 642 del 1972, l'imposta di bollo per la copia cartacea è di € 16,00 ogni 100 righe; nel caso di copia rilasciata su supporto informatico per via telematica è prevista l'imposta di bollo nella misura forfettaria di € 16,00.

Quanto tempo ci vuole per stipulare un atto notarile? ›

Redazione dell'atto

Svolta questa attività, il notaio comincia a predisporre l'atto di compravendita: il tempo necessario per espletare tali attività è di circa dieci giorni lavorativi. In caso d'urgenza, può essere svolto in due – tre giorni lavorativi, ma naturalmente ciò comporta una spesa aggiuntiva.

Come ci si rivolge a un notaio? ›

Gentile è indubbiamente l'aggettivo meno formale, mentre Egregio e Spettabile sono considerati quelli migliori da utilizzare nel caso in cui il rapporto di lavoro tra te e il notaio sia appena cominciato. Al termine “Sig.”, che sta per “Signore” può anche essere sostituito senza alcun problema quello di Dottore.

Cosa fa il notaio in parole povere? ›

Cosa fa il notaio in parole semplici? Un notaio è un professionista che si occupa di preparare, autenticare e registrare i documenti legali, ad esempio contratti di compravendita immobiliare, contratti di matrimonio o testamenti, assicurandosi che siano validi e rispettino le leggi vigenti.

Che titolo di studio ha un notaio? ›

Gli aspiranti devono: essere in possesso del diploma di laurea in giurisprudenza o della laurea specialistica o magistrale in giurisprudenza date o confermate da una università italiana o di titolo riconosciuto equipollente ai sensi della Legge 11 luglio 2002 n.

Chi è il notaio più ricco d'Italia? ›

Il più ricco della città è ancora una volta, dopo gli anni d'oro dell'imprenditore per eccellenza, Flavio Mucelli, il notaio Pietro Maria De Mezzo che nel 2006 (redditi del 2005) ha dichiarato 1.254.706 euro. Lo segue Luigi Pietro Draghi, assicuratore e docente universitario 1.004.733.

Quanto guadagna un notaio a Roma? ›

Secondo le ultime stime (2021), il guadagno di un notaio oscilla fra i 60 mila ed i 200 mila euro annui, il che significa che lo stipendio medio di un mese parte dai 5 mila fino a raggiungere anche i 30 mila euro.

Perché i notai guadagnano così tanto? ›

Perché il notaio riscuote dalle parti, per conto dello Stato, le imposte dovute sugli atti e le versa all'Erario. Questo spiega perché al notaio si paghino spesso cifre elevate.

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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.